The Constraints and Barriers to Obtaining Successful Climate smart Agriculture Outcomes


MD outsideThe Constraints and Barriers to Obtaining Successful Climate smart Agriculture Outcomes


Implementing a program of Climate-smart Agriculture to mitigate environmental damage due to traditional methods of agriculture, adapt to changing environmental conditions and embracing new innovations, and improving agricultural production and food and water security, particularly in the Global South, is more urgent than ever before.

However, in order to optimize the probability of attaining good outcomes, one must take into consideration the myriad constraints and barriers that must be identified, navigated and negotiated for every project.

During this LogyTalk I will discuss and unpack the majority of constraints and barriers we encounter in the Global South and describe ways in which they should be analyzed and navigated.

Some of these constraints include corruption, gender inequity, access to inputs, access to finance and credit, infrastructure, governance, and land tenure. I appreciate the opportunity to present my work and thank the LogyTalk luminaries who make all of this possible.

MD speakingJoin Me:

Tuesday Sep 1, 2022
Date : 2022-09-01
Start Time : 09:30
End Time : 10:30

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