Sarhere School

Starhere Girls School/Amiran Collaborative project Nairobi, Kenya





Julia Akhabere and Mike at school in Sarhere Girls School KenyaStarehe Girls Centre is a national boarding School that offers free secondary education to financially disadvantaged girls from all the counties in Kenya. The school was founded in January 2005 as a charitable institution. It has a total population of four hundred and eighty students.

Given that school relies on well-wishers and donors for the upkeep of the girls, the school has self sustaining projects among them agriculture.

In this regard the school in collaboration with Amiran Kenya has put up greenhouses where vegetables such as tomatoes, capsicum, sweet melon, brassicas among others are grown. This reduces the expenses on food, improves nutrition and the surplus sold to support the school in other aspects.

Below are some of the images showing the Amiran projects at Starehe Girls Centre.

Sarhere School

(click on picture for a larger image)